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VRPA are looking to fill some of the final Holiday programs at First Met Church: HOLIDAY SEASON OPEN PLAY ALL LEVELS- Thur Dec 12-Dec 19- 2:30-4:00 pm 3.0-3.5 HOLIDAY SEASON OPEN PLAY- Thur Dec 12-Dec 19- 4:00-5:30 pm 3.25+ HOLIDAY SEASON EVENING OPEN PLAY- Thur Dec 12-Dec 19- 7:00-8:30 pm ALL LEVELS KING OF THE COURTS- Sat […]
Via Meetup Description: https://www.meetup.com/victoria-pickleball-and-social-club/events/301981746/?notificationId=%3Cinbox%3E%21401713195-1738066867453&eventOrigin=notifications "This is a fun group to learn and enjoy the game of pickleball. First time beginners welcome. One court and we will rotate around in doubles. As this is considered a drop in court we need to respect if someone is using the court before us. They have 30 min of […]
Via Meetup Description: https://www.meetup.com/victoria-pickleball-and-social-club/events/301981746/?notificationId=%3Cinbox%3E%21401713195-1738066867453&eventOrigin=notifications “This is a fun group to learn and enjoy the game of pickleball. First time beginners welcome. One court and we will rotate around in doubles. As this is considered a drop in court we need to respect if someone is using the court before us. They have 30 min of play. […]
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/share/15fdzEUj6b/ All players required to play at a level higher than 3.5 "Come have all the fun! At Vancouver Island Pickleball Centre, Saturday, February 15, 2025 Big Competition.BIGGER Prizes!"Courts: Six Courts Players: 24 Levels: 3.5+Games: 12 games Approximate Timeline: 3.5 hours *VPC reserves the right to remove players that do not meet requirements
Victoria Regional Pickleball Association’s (VRPA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) is set to get underway, Wednesday, February 19, 2025 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. The AGM will take place Cordova Bay 55+ Centre Meeting Room - 5238 Cordova Bay Rd, Victoria, BC V8Y 2L2. Members: Paper copies of the Agenda, the President’s Report, the Special Resolution […]
The OPC Annual General Meeting will take place on April 3, 2025. The topic of AMALGAMATION of OPC/POPS will be the primary agenda item. There will be a Notice of Motion requesting that Oceanside PC and Parksville Oceanside PS merge to create a single Pickleball Club in the Parksville area. Information regarding the AGM will […]
Categories: Men’s Doubles; Women’s Doubles; Mixed Doubles Email for more details: Email: ukeepicklers@gmail.com Text: 250.240.3569