February 4, 2025 (Victoria, BC) – Victoria Regional Pickleball Association’s (VRPA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) is set to get underway, Wednesday, February 19, 2025 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. The AGM will take place Cordova Bay 55+ Centre Meeting Room – 5238 Cordova Bay Rd, Victoria, BC V8Y 2L2.
Members: Paper copies of the Agenda, the President’s Report, the Special Resolution and the Financial Statements will be available at the meeting.
Agenda (email [email protected] for document)
Financial Report (email [email protected] for document)
President’s Report (email [email protected] for document)
Special Resolution (email [email protected] for document). This will require a motion at the meeting to accept the Special Resolution.
Background: Saanich Peninsula Pickleball Association (SPPA) at their December 2024 AGM resolved to amalgamate with VRPA. The resolution, if approved, would accept that amalgamation and the next step would be to apply to the BC Societies for formal acceptance. VRPA is requesting one member of SPPA to speak to this and one member of VRPA to speak to this before discussion and the vote.
Proxy Form (email [email protected] for document). We require at the time of writing 60 members for a quorum. If you are unable to attend in person, please fill out the proxy form and email it to [email protected]. You may write in a person’s name who is attending the AGM in person and who is a member in good standing. Feel free to use VRPA president, Connie McCann’s name, and be sure to include any instructions.
Expressions of interest to stand for the Board can be submitted through a one page cover letter to [email protected].
Votes will be cast for Four (4) Board positions. Three (3) present members who are one-year into a two-year term are staying on the Board. These three Board members, Trish Fougner, Damaris Brix and Tessa Graham do not have to run for a Board position in 2025.
Questions? Contact [email protected]
(Original post “Respectfully submitted, Connie McCann, president”)